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Anatomy & Physiology Training

A knowledge of human Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (AP&P) is expected from all Bowen Therapists who intend to work professionally in the field.

In the past, Pathology was not regularly included in the training, but there are now online modules that can be taken in isolation, to expand your knowledge and fill any gaps.

To join the Bowen Therapy Professional Association as a Full member, you will be asked to provide a copy of your AP&P qualification certificate (or A&P, if your Bowen training was completed before November 2020). If you have not completed specific AP&P training, we also accept other qualification certificates for training that incorporated AP&P (or A&P, if your Bowen training was completed before November 2020) - e.g. Aromatherapy Massage, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Medicine.

We recognise that some A&P training may have been completed a long time ago, and that certificates may not have been retained. If you can demonstrate current knowledge of A&P (and trained in Bowen Therapy prior to November 2020), we may waive the membership requirement to supply your A&P training certificate. An online test can be completed here, once you have been assigned a Candidate Reference - ask the Membership Office for this.

The full Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (AP&P) training will need to be completed if you intend to register with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).

The training you should look for, if you don't already have a qualification, should have a syllabus that meets the requirements in the Core Curriculum for Bowen Therapy. Suitable training could be obtained from course providers who offer ITEC/VTEC Level 3 certificates, provided that there is an invigilated exam at the end of the course (in person or monitored online).

The syllabus should include:

  • 130 hours Total Qualification Time (TQT).
  • 94 hours Guided Learning Time (GLT). This is the activity of a learner in being taught or instructed by a lecturer, supervisor, or tutor (in person or remotely by means of simultaneous electronic communication).

BTPA recognises Level 3 certficiates in AP&P from the following organisations:

anatomy training

There are many courses that would provide the necessary AP&P training. Correspondence courses that involve an invigilated written exam at the end of the course may also be acceptable. If you have any queries, please get in touch with the Membership Office - membership@bowentherapy.org.uk.

ETSE-learning experts Essential Training Solutions are delighted to work with the BTPA to provide an online accredited course in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.

VTCT - Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for Complementary Therapies (Level 3 Certificate)

Course price: £350 (before discount)
Discount code: BTPA (this needs entering in the COUPON box)
Discount amount: £25

The VTCT Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology online course offers the following:

  • VTCT course registration including VTCT lifelong membership
  • All examination fees
  • 24/7 online access for the duration of your course
  • The Essential Anatomy & Physiology Study Manual
  • The Complete Pathology for Complementary Therapies book
  • Free access to the ETS Resource Centre
  • Free access to the ETS Health and Safety Resource
  • Unrivaled and unlimited student support

Anatomy and Physiology Online Course - FHT Accredited Qualification (Level 3 Diploma) - if you attained your Bowen Therapy qualification before November 2020 and have not yet completed A&P training, this short course can be taken. We would also encourage you to also study the separate Pathology modules.

The A&P training alone would not be sufficient to join the CNHC.

Course price: £90 (before discount)
Discount code: BTPA10 (this needs entering in the COUPON box)
Discount amount: 10% (£9)

The FHT Anatomy and Physiology Online Level 3 Accredited course has the following features:

  • Fully supported
  • Free access to the ETS Resource Centre with links to videos, animation, and other resources to further support your study if you choose, without slowing you down
  • Interactive tutorials and online assessments mean you can study completely from home
  • Immediate online marking of assessments so no written assignments to be posted
  • No required attendance whatsoever
  • ETS even guarantees your success!

The S.E.E.D. Institute – www.theseedinstitute.co.uk/AP2.htm also provides A&P (only) courses.

A suitable AP&P course may be found at a local college which offers courses in Health or Complementary Therapies. There are many other online providers of AP&P training, but remember to look for a course with an invigilated exam at the end.

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