07713 552 858

Testimonials & Case Studies

Symptoms and issues which have been reported to respond to the Bowen Technique.


Choose from the menu below then press the 'READ TESTIMONIALS' button:



Have you tried Bowen yourself? If so, we would love to hear about your experience. Please let us know your views by completing our confidential online survey.

G.P. testimonial

Testimonial from Henry Wyndham (Sotheby’s chairman)

Testimonial from Diamond Dac (international recording and performing artist)

BTPA Committee member Ben Calder chats to Lucy Dutton (Holistic Flow Coach) about his experiences with Bowen Therapy.

Testimonial Feedback forms are available free to BTPA members from the Merchandise page (in the Members' area).

BTPA has received feedback from Bowen Therapy clients who have presented with the following issues/symptoms:

Anaemia •  Ankle and Foot problems •  Ankylosing Spondylitis •  Arm (nerve) Pain •  Arthritis •  Asthma and Respiratory problems •  Autism •  Back Pain •  Breast Pain •  Carpal Tunnel and RSI problems •  Cerebral Palsy •  Coccyx problems •  Developmental and Learning Difficulties •  Diabetes and Arthritic Joints •  Digestive problems •  Dyspraxia •  Ear problems •  Eating disorder •  Eczema •  Elbow problems •  Eye problems •  Fibromyalgia, Fatigue, Chronic pain •  Foot pain •  Fractures •  Hamstring problems •  Hayfever •  Headache •  Hip pain •  Hydrocephalus •  Immune system problems •  Infant disorders •  Insomnia •  Jaw problems •  Joint problems •  Knee problems •  Leg pain and problems •  Lethargy •  Low muscle tone •  Lupus •  Lymphoedema •  Menstrual problems •  Migraine •  Multiple Sclerosis •  Neck Pain •  Osteoarthritis •  Parkinson's Disease •  Pelvic pain •  Polymyalgia Rheumatica •  Poor motor control •  Post-natal depression •  Postural problems •  Pregnancy, Fertility problems •  Prostate problems •  Psoriasis •  Raynaud's Syndrome •  Repetitive Strain Injury •  Rheumatoid arthritis •  Sacroiliacitis, Sacroiliitis •  Scheuermann's Disease •  Sciatica •  Shoulder problems •  Sinusitis •  Sleep disorders •  Speech problems •  Sports injury •  Stress •  Tenosynovitis •  Trigeminal Neuralgia •  Urinary problems

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