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Testimonials & Case Studies


What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

An injury to my coccyx a few months earlier that was not improving.

How did your complaint(s)/symptom(s) affect you?:

Made me uncomfortable and had a sensation of something squeezing the trauma area.

What activities have you been able to resume since receiving Bowen sessions? How has your life been improved?:

Not uncomfortable anymore after 2 treatments

Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

During the weeks after my injury I was still able to do the things I normally do after the initial few weeks rest, but I was uncomfortable and I knew something wasn’t right. Within 1 week after my first treatment I noticed a considerable difference and the trauma area felt freer. I had another treatment and it is nearly 100% right so I am going to have a 3rd to complete the treatment cycle.

Reference: 1769 [932]
Client: C-AB
Therapist: Linda Moore

What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Damaged coccyx.

What activities have you been able to resume since receiving Bowen sessions? How has your life been improved?:

Sitting down for longer than 10 minutes.

How many sessions have you received (and how often)?:


Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

Visiting Richie for Bowen therapy really helped my problem. He is very knowledgeable and his work has helped relieve many people in our community. Through working with Richie and undertaking a better diet and regular exercises and stretching, I am 90% better than what I was 2 years ago.

Reference: [287]

What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Coccyx injury

How did your complaint(s)/symptom(s) affect you?:

Sitting, lying on my back, walking properly, driving

What activities have you been able to resume since receiving Bowen sessions? How has your life been improved?:


Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

I was in a lot of pain when I first came to see Kathryn. I was told by other people that it could take up to 2 years to heal! There was a definite improvement within the first couple of treatments and things have steadily improved to almost back to 100%. I am now carrying on with Bowen treatment to improve an old RSI/Muscle injury.

Reference: 01352-7-13 [286]
Client: KS
Therapist: Kathryn Phillips

What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Coccyx pain for more than 2 months.

How did your complaint(s)/symptom(s) affect you?:

Sitting, walking and exercising

What activities have you been able to resume since receiving Bowen sessions? How has your life been improved?:


Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

I had a very positive experience with my practitioner Ros Harrington. She was warm, caring, professional and knowledgeable. The pain in my coccyx had eased after the treatment. After the second I was able to have a motorcycling holiday virtually pain free, and by the time of my third I was pain free. I would highly recommend Bowen Therapy for this complaint.

Reference: 01441-7-11 [285]
Client: SW
Therapist: Ros Harrington



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