07713 552 858

Testimonials & Case Studies


Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

Following tests at the hospital, I was advised that I had carpal tunnel problems in both wrists and needed an operation. I decided to have surgery on the right wrist which was the worst. Several months after the operation the symptoms were still apparent, so I refused surgery on my left wrist. I had heard about Bowen Therapy from a grand-daughter in New Zealand, so decided to try it. I am very pleased that I did. I am now almost entirely free from pain. I now find that treatment on a monthly basis is sufficient. Not only has it helped with the wrists, but I enjoy the relaxation it gives to my whole being.

Reference: 01019, FEB 2011 [282]
Client: PH
Therapist: Claire Phillipson

What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Carpal tunnel in both hands.

How did your complaint(s)/symptom(s) affect you?:

x-stitching, driving, my job as a k/porter, writing.

What activities have you been able to resume since receiving Bowen sessions? How has your life been improved?:

Yes, I can do all of the above. I still have pins and needles, but not a often or as painful.

Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

I was in a lot of pain when I first went, but over the months I have found the Bowen treatment has greatly helped with the stiffness in my fingers and reduced the painful pins and needles. I can now drive ling journeys without discomfort. I am so grateful.

Reference: 01134-05-11 [281]
Client: WG
Therapist: Helen Cooper

What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Carpal Tunnel syndrome and pain in my hips

How did your complaint(s)/symptom(s) affect you?:

I am a beauty therapist, so my job, (massage etc.)

What activities have you been able to resume since receiving Bowen sessions? How has your life been improved?:

Yes, fully

Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

I have tried other treatments for my wrists which have not worked. Bowen was very effective even though I was very sceptical. My wrists now give me no problems for a few months and then if I feel any tingles, I have a Bowen Treatment to sort it out. Thank you so much Kim

Reference: 01414-7-11 [279]
Client: CP
Therapist: Kim Holmes

What complaint(s) or symptom(s) brought you to the Bowen Technique:

Problem with wrist joint, hospital consultant advised steroid injections.

How did your complaint(s)/symptom(s) affect you?:

All daily tasks/living, work, and leisure difficult, poor function and pain in joint.

What activities have you been able to resume since receiving Bowen sessions? How has your life been improved?:


Testimonial of your Bowen Therapy experience (how have you benefitted?):

The Bowen therapy enabled my wrist to heal and recover full function without having to resort to steroids and injections. The benefits for me have been the delight and satisfaction of finding a natural therapy which has had an amazing positive result. I have returned to all activities without difficulty, golf, yoga, swimming and daily living tasks which I had struggled with.

Reference: 1457 [278]
Client: JE
Therapist: Ros Harrington



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