07713 552 858

BTPA Ethics & Codes of Practise

1) Members of BTPA must display their current Certificate of Membership of BTPA and other relevant professional bodies in their normal place of work and all must be available for inspection by any interested party.

2) Members must perform the Bowen Technique to the best of their ability.

3) Members must not attempt to medically diagnose any condition unless they are suitably qualified to do so.

4) Referrals to a General Practitioner or another therapist must be made whenever a member considers this to be appropriate for the welfare of the patient.

5) Members must not give advice on diet, skincare or any medical condition unless suitably qualified; they must never contradict or denigrate a previous practitioner or the diagnosis made by a suitably qualified doctor or practitioner and must never advise that prescribed medication be discontinued without further consultation with the other practitioner concerned.

6) Members must not mislead the public by indicating or suggesting that they have qualifications beyond those that they hold; they must always be aware of their own limitations and never promise a cure.  It must be made clear in any educational leaflet or other marketing publicity or in any public talk or lecture given by a member that the Bowen Technique is not a substitute for traditional medical advice or treatment and that any medical condition should be assessed and diagnosed by a suitably qualified medical practitioner.  No therapist should claim superiority over another by using such terms as ‘advanced’.

7) All consultations must be documented fully and the records of such kept absolutely confidential and secure at all times. Any letters to doctors or other practitioners should be written in consultation with the patient but records and private documents must only be revealed to third parties or relatives on the specific approval of the patient in writing. All therapists must comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and retain records for seven years from last appointment date. Records must be disposed of securely; usually by incineration or shredding.

8) It is obligatory for a parent or guardian of a child under the age of sixteen years to seek conventional medical help for that child should they require it.  Complementary medicine of any form does not qualify as "conventional medicine" and therefore the member must refuse to treat a child without a signed consent form (see Appendix C) from the parent or guardian stating that they have been informed of this fact by the member and understand the implications. When a minor is being treated the parent or guardian must always have the right to be present.

9) Members of BTPA must maintain a high level of appearance and hygiene for themselves and their establishments and must ensure that there are no areas of danger for their patients either in the approach to their premises or within the premises themselves. No animals except guide dogs must be present in the treatment room.

10) Members should ensure that they are both physically and mentally fit to practise.

11) Whilst operating within the principles of their business members will not discriminate on the grounds of age, colour, disability, ethnic origin, gender, sexuality or on any other unjustifiable grounds.

12) Members must at all times behave in a manner in which they would like to be treated themselves i.e. with respect and courtesy, consideration and kindness. Basic human dignity must always be carefully observed in the dealings with a patient and the trust that is placed in the practitioner must never be betrayed or abused. When dealing with a client/patient nothing should be said or done that could in any way be misconstrued as being of a sexual nature or implication and any Bowen moves that may in any way be intrusive or invasive should be explained in great detail and the patient's permission obtained before the moves are made.

13) Members should endeavour to engender a good working relationship with their fellow practitioners, practitioners of other therapies, the medical profession and healthcare workers. It must be noted that in the case of a patient being referred by a GP the said GP remains responsible for the patient’s medical care and the treatment that is given.

14) Great care must always be taken by members when visiting hospitals, care homes, hospices and other such establishments that rules are strictly adhered to and that there is no interference with nursing routines and practices. The utmost courtesy must be displayed by members at all times.


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