07713 552 858

Useful Information for Parents

The following information may be helpful for parents of children attending the Bowen Children's clinics.


The Brainwave Programme - www.brainwave.org.uk

Brainwave is a charity that works with families to deliver home based therapy and exercise programmes. For children with delayed development, brain injury, or genetic problems. Children are assessed by a team of physiotherapists, developmental therapists and cognitive therapists who will design an exercise programme for your childs specific needs. Works well in conjunction with Bowen. We have seen a child with cerebral palsy and another with autism who have benefitted.


Local councils have internet sites for services available. Useful for:

  • activities provided for children e.g. summer play-schemes
  • disability groups
  • local social services can be contacted for extra help for the family

Home Start

Home Start - www.home-start.org.uk

Home Start offers support and friendship for families with young children.

There are charities and interest groups for most problems, some national, some local, most can be found on the internet.


Son-Rise Program - www.autismtreatmentcenter.org

The Son-Rise program uses new, innovative ideas for treating autism and all symptoms associated with the autistic spectrum. A very intensive programme to develop an autistic child to their full potential. The director, Raun Kaufman was severely autistic as a child, his parents treated him and their strategies that worked formed the basis of the Son-Rise program. The information on their website is helpful in understanding Autism from the autistic persons point of view. Some of the strategies have been found to be useful for improving the quality of interaction with autistic children.


Cruse Bereavement Care

Cruse Bereavement Care - www.cruse.org.uk

A national charity who offer confidential counselling to the bereaved.


If you have found any other organisation helpful for your own child and would like to share this information, please get in touch -


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