To train as a Bowen practitioner you must first start with a "Core Bowen" course.
There are several interpretations of the work of Tom Bowen being taught under the name 'Bowen Technique', 'Bowen Therapy', or another name. Depending on your previous therapy experience or medical training, you may wish to select a "Core Bowen" course that adopts similar examination or testing strategies. Contact a school or tutor directly to be given more information about the way they teach Bowen Therapy and how they examine clients beforehand.
All "Core Bowen" courses should now require a prior knowledge of anatomy and physiology, if not taught alongside Bowen Techniques. There are basic online A&P courses you can take prior to studying a full Level 3 diploma in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (a requirement for qualifying in Bowen Therapy, in accordance with the 2020 Bowen Therapy Core Curriculum).
Postgraduate CPD courses enable you to keep your skills up-to-date after your initial "Core Bowen" training.
The BTPA Communications Officer, Ben Calder, has interviewed several of the Bowen Therapy tutors - click on the icon next to their name below to watch the video.
Each hour of hands-on training counts towards your "Core Bowen" Training or Bowen CPD requirement.
Bowen College UK |
01803 463 775 |
Bowen Training UK |
07885 990 201 |
College of Bowen Studies Ltd. |
01225 941 077 |
International Bowen Therapy Foundation |
(Portugal) +351 913 419 044 |
NST Spinal Integration (for experienced therapists only) |
+61 490 456 869 |
Assessment Led Bowen Therapy (for experienced therapists only) |
01271 812 998 |
Smart Bowen® Practitioner Training |
07703 010 044 |
BOW-TER Slovenia |
00386 31 728 198 |
TBT101 ('Tom Bowen Therapy' course is an interpretation by Ross Emmett This is not Emmett Technique. |
Regula Scherrer |
Cranio Bowen - 14 hours |
Bowen College UK |
Workshops based on 'A Textbook of Bowen Technique' by Graham Pennington: |
Graham Pennington
Lymphatics / Vagus workshops - up to 14 hours |
Gus de la Querra |
Palliative Care - The Role of the Bowen Therapist - 14 hours |
Helen Mary Perkins |
Fascia Bowen - 7 or 14 hours |
Jo Wortley |
College of Applied Myoskeletal Therapy (AMT) - 4 workshops: |
John Garfield |
Neurological Assessments & Tools for Bowen & Bodyworkers
(Module 1) - 14 hours |
Jun Chow |
The Importance of Symmetry − A seminar for Bowen Therapists - 14 hours |
Matt East |
Finding Your Feet − The forgotten foundation - 7 hours |
Nicola Pike |
Fine Tuning The Neck - 7 hours |
Phil Steward |
The Importance of Symmetry − A seminar for Bowen Therapists - 14 hours |
Robert Smith |
Hormonal Release the Bowen Way, Module 1 - 14 hours |
David Howells |
Hormonal Release the Bowen Way, Module 1 - 14 hours |
Ron Phelan